Automation is a powerful way to save time and focus on critical areas of your business that are most important to you.

The main reason finance businesses struggle with sales is because they haven’t got the tools or the time!  Most finance teams are stuck tackling the day-to-day tasks, leaving little-to-no time for anything else! Due to this, sales in most small-to-medium-sized finance businesses is a knee-jerk reaction: “I need more customers, so I will do more marketing and sales”. Because of this last-minute sales approach, these businesses can only implement mass marketing campaigns, which research shows only deliver 1 to 2% success on average.

Auto-Pilot your success and soar to new levels of efficiency

Use entiprius AutoPilot Marketing and Sales to automate lead nurturing processes so you never waste another lead, and implement Refer a Friend link offers into all your regular customer correspondence. With our process automation software, you can get more customers each and every day, giving your team the time to focus on existing customers, boosting your chances of maximising repeat business – in fact, you can increase sales by at least 30%. This allows you to spend more on new customer acquisition compared to your competitors.

Evaluate and Prepare

As you evaluate your past financial performance and begin to plan for 2021, consider the stages of converting a finance lead into a client and where you might streamline and scale that process. Like a typical sales funnel (awareness, interest, decision, action), here are four areas the most successful brokers and teams have automated through technology, like entiprius, that have helped them grow their business and increase their ROI.

My biggest win for 2020 was knowing that entiprius was moving leads through my funnel without me even needing to worry about it.
Entiprius Automation Features:
  • Build lead nurturing campaigns so you never waste another lead
  • Maximise repeat business with auto cross-sell, up-sell and interaction based campaigns
  • Close more sales with auto follow-ups
  • Reward your best customers via the VIP Loyalty System, further increasing repeat business
  • Implement and automate seasonally targeted campaigns
  • Adopt set-and-forget marketing campaigns with sequence-based offers that deliver results

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